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The gap presents: Pop-in Tuesday - Live: Crooks On Tape Us + K.u.n.t.z

Di., 18. Feb. 2014 20:00 @ Shelter , Wien - Brigittenau

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Crooks on Tape


CROOKS ON TAPE is John Schmersal (Enon, Brainiac), Rick Lee (Enon, Skeleton Key, Butter 08), and Joey Galvan (Mannheim Steamroller, Anthrax). The unscripted band was born out of a simple notion: convene, improvise, and record every moment.

In 2010, the Los Angeles trio assembled a rotating fortress of instruments, synthesizers, samplers, and loopers. Crooks recorded hundreds of hours of material, largely instrumental in its original performance. FINGERPRINT is the first evidence of this undertaking and a window into the band’s sound. The debut record you hear is analogous to tiny snapshots of an altered crime scene.

In many ways, Crooks picks up where Enon left off. Rick and John created two instrumental records in Enon’s early days ("Long Play" and "On Hold"). "Fingerprint" is an outgrowth of those directions, spun in a totally live, improvisational context, augmented by vocals. Though unpredictable, Joey’s marked drumming style provides the adhesion, gluing the group together when sessions become too cacophonous.

Misra Records is now based in Dayton, OH — the hometown of Schmersal and his former band Brainiac. Strange, unformed, wildly intriguing snippets of "Fingerprint" began making their way to the label in early 2013. Each song sounded like a story unfolding. Songs were amended, vocals were added, and a debut album began to develop.

This material is mined from sessions lasting between winter, 2010 – Spring, 2012. The band had to move out of the location where these documents were made. They are busy constructing a new space. John has been dividing his time between Crooks on Tape, Caribou, Girls Against Boys (occasionally subbing for Eli Janney), and playing with another new band. You can expect many more records to evolve from this time period alone.

"Fingerprint" is for Crooks a pop record — the band at its most accessible. Stranger things are to follow.

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